

字号+作者:admin 来源:圣才网 2024-07-07 我要评论() 收藏成功收藏本文

没有缩写。“怦然心动”的英文表述为:Palpitate with excitement。palpitate 的意思是:颤抖、(心脏)悸动、突突跳、急速地跳动。excitement 的意思是:兴奋、...

没有缩写。“怦然心动”的英文表述为:Palpitate with excitement。palpitate 的意思是:颤抖、(心脏)悸动、突突跳、急速地跳动。excitement 的意思是:兴奋、激动、令人兴奋的事、刺激、振奋。 Palpitate with excitement 例句: 1、现在那声音已不那么刺耳,它又如当年一样让她怦然心动。 The voice, less coarse now, stirred her as it had then. 2、想当年这部影片曾经使多少青少年怦然心动、情窦初开啊。 Remember that this movie once made many teenagers excited and their hearts flutter at the beginning of love. 3、只有在默默的等待中不期而遇的美丽,才会让人怦然心动,越发美丽的。 Only the unexpected beauty in silent waiting will make people's hearts flutter and become more beautiful.
