

字号+作者:admin 来源:圣才网 2024-07-22 我要评论() 收藏成功收藏本文

当 yet 作为连词使用时,和 but 相似,主要用于表示转折,意思是“但是”“然而”:例如,“I have failed, yet I shall try again.”(我失败了,但我还要尝试。) ...

当 yet 作为连词使用时,和 but 相似,主要用于表示转折,意思是“但是”“然而”:例如,“I have failed, yet I shall try again.”(我失败了,但我还要尝试。)

“The judge was stern, yet completely fair.”(法官很严厉,却完全公正。)“They are the same, yet not the same.”(它们既相同,又不同。)“It is strange, yet it is true.”(这很奇怪,但却是事实。)“I’ve been away only for three years, yet I can hardly recognize my hometown.”(我仅仅离开三年,但我几乎认不出我的家乡了。)“He said he was our friend, yet he wouldn’t help us.”(他说他是我们的朋友,但却不肯帮助我们。)有时 yet 会被用在句首,例如:“Yet the house was cheerful.”(但屋子显得很欢快。)“Yet its population has doubled.”(但它的人口翻了一番。)yet 有时能与并列连词 and 或者 but 一起使用,构成习语 and yet 和 but yet,这两者大致意思相同(都相当于表示转折的 but):“I gave him ten pounds (and) yet he was not satisfied.”(我给了他十镑,但他仍不满足。)“She’s vain and foolish, and yet people like her.”(她虚荣又愚蠢,但人们却喜欢她。)“She drove very fast to the airport, but [yet, and yet, but yet] she missed the plane.”(她开快车去机场,但还是误了飞机。)although 不能和表示转折的 but 一起使用,但是可以和 yet 一起用。比如:“Although we have made some progress, yet we still have a long way to go.”(我们虽然取得了一些进步,但仍然有很长的路要走。)
